
A Simple 4-Step High Ticket Funnel That Few People Will Tell You About and Everyone Who Uses It Acts Like It’s Their Idea

By June 7, 2016 No Comments

A few weeks ago, I decided to start a sales funnel. I wanted to create 5 digit revenue as fast as possible.

And it worked. 

Now, I did a little funnel hacking. I saw what other marketers were doing in various niches and I decided to try it for myself in my own niche.  Funnel hacking is the act of using the same sales funnel that others who are currently successfully using. Russell Brunson, founder of Click Funnels teaches this as a core discipline and it works.

Spent $3,120 on Facebook Ads to COLD traffic. The return on investment was honestly shocking to over 10 times the amount I spent on ads.  Over $34K was generated.

I’m going to lay out the whole funnel below, so you can rock out your own. I’ll give you screenshots and step by step instructions.  DISCLAIMER: My screenshots will have areas blurred out so copycats don’t try to hack their way into the same niche…


I’ll even GIVE you a clone of my funnel if you want it.  

Step 1: I Used Click Funnels To Build My High Ticket Funnel 

If you’re not using Click Funnels, you’re probably duct taping various third party solutions together. That’s fine, but if you want a one stop shop, I STRONGLY suggest you open a Click Funnels account[14 Day Free Trial].

Do you HAVE to have Click Funnels to crush high ticket sales? Nope. 

Do you want me to share my high ticket funnel directly to you so you can clone and import it into your Click Funnels account? You’re crazy if not. I can save you hours of tech work.

If you use this link to start a Click Funnels account I get paid a commission at no extra cost to you. If you do use my link, I’ll share my high ticket funnel with you. It’s literally a link that I can give you that will import the entire funnel to you.

If you’re not using Click Funnels ever in your life and you you’ve written it off, the following steps will still work, you’ll just be on your own to build each step from scratch with your system of choice.

Step 2: Build A Simple Video Landing Page So You Can Present A System or Method They Aren’t Currently Using…Then Launch A Facebook Ad To Your Target Audience

This is where it gets real. First off, if you don’t have something to offer, stop here. Make sure you know what your product, or what you are going to teach your customers in a high ticket environment. Also, make sure your coaching solves an actual problem and provides answers.

Record a video that acknowledges their pain.  Always remember, the prospect is only concerned with their needs, desires and want the “better version of themselves”. 

In the video, you’ll want to talk for several minutes about what they are struggling with. Call out who you are talking to very clearly. 

Here’s an example of your video script voice(please, for the love of all things good, don’t try to use this…it’s just an example. lol):

“If you’re an Iowa Corn Farmer, you know the importance of getting the world around us to understand that ethanol will change the way we view energy forever. But, few people do and that means you still have to figure out new ways to produce income with your unsold corn”…you get my drift.

Here’s what my Facebook Ad and Click Funnels landing page looks like structurally. Use the same video on the landing page as you do in the Facebook Ad to start testing with. Super simple: 

Here’s the pop up box where I ask them for their name and email…

Note that there is only one thing they need to do. Register for a breakthrough call. You can call this whatever you want, but it is basically a free 30 minute coaching call. Which me to step 3…

Step 3: The Higher The Ticket, The Higher The Touch – Get Them On The Phone

Page #2 is a call scheduler. I embed a ScheduleOnce application into my Click Funnels page(again, the page after they optin in for the breakthrough call).

This is crucial. You MUST talk to your leads on the phone if you think you’re going to create 5 digit income fast.  If you’re not good at phone selling, I totally understand. However, if you do a good job on Step #1 and Step #2, you’ll already have them ready to basically eat out of your hand.

 Get ALL My Online Business Hacks For Just $29 !

Get ALL My Online Business Hacks For Just $29 !

Position the call as a free coaching call or conversation to help them get to where they need to get. You need to help them on the call. Add value, ask them where they are, add value again.

From a sales perspective, MAKE SURE you get their full payment if at all possible on the call. One call close is your best case scenario. I don’t have time in this post to explain pricing and payments, but bottom line: get it all up front.

Step 4: Pre-Call Indoctrination 

The prospects who book a call need you to be “human”. They need to trust you. They also need you to boss them around a bit.

Let me explain.

They have no idea what all you are going to talk to them about. They also don’t realize you’re about to ask them for a 4 digit investment site unseen.

So, prior to the call, they need to watch at least one more video from you telling them what to expect on that call.  Help them know that you have a system. That you work with people all the time to help them with the same problem they have.

The really need to watch your pre-call video so that they get use to listening and doing what you say.

The key is for them to see you as the authority instead of just some person from the internet or just another peer.

Here’s what my pre-call page looks like…this should be the “Thank You” page after they book the call. You can also include it in your follow up email confirmation.

Special Bonus Tricks

Listen, this funnel is powerful. It can make a lot of money and help you influence a lot of customers on a deep level.

I have an entire email autoresponder written for my funnel that pushes people to register for a breakthrough call after they sign up(in case they don’t instantly).

I also have a sales script for the free coaching call, or Step #3.

If you start a Click Funnels account using my link, I’ll give you the email autoresponder copy and the sales script for free as a bonus for using my referral link.

Email me when you do and I’ll email it back to you once I confirm credit has been given to me. Fill out the form below when you start your account and I’ll be notified. Then I’ll send you the bonus within  24 hours.

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