
5 Proven Ways to Solve The "Trust Problem" For Your Prospects

By May 31, 2015 No Comments
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I use Click Funnels to build all of my sales funnels easily and quickly. You can try it out for free for 14 days at this link .

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To convert customers, they need to trust you.  

To gain trust, you have to be the one that removes the barriers in their mind that stand between them and conversion.

These obstacles are either logical or illogical. Doesn’t matter. They are still barriers that won’t remove themselves.

Barriers equal no sale. Period. You need a process/method to remove these barriers.

There are a few ways to do this. Some tactics are more scalable than others:

1. One-to-One/Face to Face – Nothing beats this when it comes to building trust. Nothing ever will. When a human can look another human in the eye they have a far greater chance of developing faith in what you’re telling them.

No further explanation needed here.

2. Over The Phone – If you can’t meet face to face, talk to them on the phone. The human voice is still a massive weapon in building trust.  I know this for a fact…from personal experience.  

In a business launch not too long ago(bout 16 months) I sold $5,000 courses to complete strangers over the phone.

Never spoke to them before…some were in foreign countries.  

I spoke to over 200 entrepreneurs(our target client) over about 3 months.  We sold close to $300,000 of courses in that period of time.  The phone was a trust building medium we wouldn’t trade for anything.

3. Teach Seminars/Workshops – This isn’t always an immediate option if you haven’t built a platform, but you might be surprised.  

Try reaching out to local, small groups in your area.  As the group moderator if they’ll let you visit and present.  

You can find local groups in your vertical via Linkedin Groups and Facebook Groups.  In 10 minutes or less you could have a message into a key influencer locally that might let you get in front of people.

4. Screenshare/Video –  If you can’t get in front of someone and you can’t get them on the phone…there’s another way.  This approach is moderately scalable too, so you can reach more people.

Depending on what you sell or service you provide, you can grab a screen share software for your computer.  Create a short video recording from your desktop where you are telling or teaching your lead something.

I use Camtasia.

Maybe you are doing an audit of their website design if you are a web designer…

Maybe you are a consultant and have a great tip to teach them via a short slide show on your screen.

Get creative.There’s lots you can do here. 

5. Blog – This is universally the most known way to scale trust.  A blog is a central piece to any trust-building strategy.  You can supplement any of the above three strategies with a solid blog too…your blog makes you more authentic.

Heck, for some reason, if you have a blog people immediately “anoint” you master and commander of your topic…

…as long as you have good, quality content that is.

Plus, your blog can act as a two-edged sword by collecting valid email addresses from visitors.

Later you can convert them via email marketing.

 Learn More About Sales Funnels!  Get Your FREE Copy of Expert Secrets Here!

Learn More About Sales Funnels!  Get Your FREE Copy of Expert Secrets Here!

I’m gonna shut this post down…for now.

Tell me if you are going to pursue one of the above tactics.  Let me know if you wanna bounce an idea off of me. I’m totally up for it.

Josh “building trust” Rhodes
Groovy Marketing

No Comments

  • Hi, and thanks for an insightful article. I think that there is a big misconception that you can just push a button and sit back while the passive income rolls in. People really do need that human contact, which is something I keep driving myself to perfect. We shrinking violets have to put ourselves out there a little more. I must say I’m impressed that you could sell $5,000 courses over the phone, though. That’s an accomplishment.

    All the best,

  • Josh Rhodes says:

    Hey Leslie, true trick is to know your customer. Once you know the customer intimately(the customer avatar that is), then you can scale the appropriate way when it comes to trust-building. For example, entrepreneurs need someone to talk to them. That’s why high ticket sales worked for me…if they can talk to someone they can gain the confidence to move forward. On the other hand, if your client avatar is a web designer, you may be able to get away with sending screen share videos one after another to cue up more engagement. Anyhoo, thanks for dropping by:)

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