Marketing When It Hurts
So, there I was. Music up. Mini-van cruising. On my way home from a grocery store run.

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Then it happened.
Dashboard lights fade, power steering goes out and I’m now coasting on a gas tank that was as dry as a bone.
Seriously, how does that happen? Better yet, who does that actually happen to?
I mean, who runs out of gas these days, right? Cars literally can tell you where the closest cupcake shop is, let alone when you are running low on gas.
Needless to say, I’m a typical scatter brained entrepreneur who doesn’t pay attention to the signals as I’m laser beam focused on 90 different things at any given time.
The silver lining is that I’m literally 100 yards from my house when it happens and I coast directly into my parking spot as if I had planned it perfectly.
I assure you, I had not.
The pain still stands. I’m out of gas. I will at some point have to address this pain. Either right this second or in the morning. I’d rather not address it prior to my Starbucks in the morning, so I decide to drive my other vehicle to the gas station down the road immediately.
This is the first time in my life this has happened and what I learn next can teach you a lot about internet sales & marketing.
I arrive at the gas station to find the red gas canisters on the shelf above the Little Debbie snacks (yes please). I grab it and proceed to check out so I can go get my 4 gallons of gas to take back to my minivan.
The cash register rings up to $19.99 for this hunk of red plastic with a glorified nozzle on it. That was BEFORE I put the 36 ounces gas in it.
I didn’t blink though.
I whip out my wallet and pay the premium pricing happily. Why? Because I was there with a need. The gas station was there and had my solution. The price, albeit logically ridiculous, was easily justified because of one thing.
Marketing Works When It Delivers Convenience
This one key principle can be the jet fuel behind many profitable businesses. Specifically, inside the information marketing sector. As a matter of fact, it’s the number one reason why people are making so much money online these days with much less time invested than those who are in traditional business models.
The convenience factor is simple. It is having what people need (due to a pain or challenge they have) and providing the solution for them in a highly accessible place.
Am I the smartest business person on the planet? Do I know everything there is to know about entrepreneurship? No, and if someone says they do, RUN.
However, I do have experience and when I offer it inside a convenient platform people pay for it. Accessibility is the beauty of the internet.
You also don’t have to wait around for someone to anoint you emperor or expert over a certain field. The moment you enter the “room” with value-adding content you are considered an authority by the people who are receiving the value. Therefore, convenience makes you first authoritative and then profitable.
So, what’s your red gas canister? You have one, I guarantee it.
P.S. – I’m now offering FREE 30-Minute coaching calls to QUALIFIED entrepreneurs, business owners and marketers. I can’t help everyone, so I’m asking you to fill out the below form(click the black button) to apply. My goal is to help you get “unstuck”. Apply below…