Let me tickle your brain for a sec…
…give me 4 minutes on this little read and I’ll give you more ways to sell your product.
Studies have shown that your normal prospect needs to see your sales offer around 7 times before they decide to purchase.
Let that sink in.
Yet, many entrepreneurs send out an offer to their list and find out only a handful of people buy.
They expected to get 100 sales instantly.
Instead of killing the project right there, think of ways to remind people to buy.
Some people will have to see your sales pitch many times.
Others jump if you use different words.
While others will convert if they get your ad over the weekends…
This post will help you remind people to buy from you by reminding them in different ways.
4 Ways To Get People To Buy From You
1. Resend your offer at different times of the day.
People have busy schedules. You have to figure out what the best time is for your customer/target audience. If you catch them while they are traveling, in a meeting or watching Downton Abbey you may never catch them. Try sending during lunch or in the evenings…or just break up the timing of your typical schedule.
2. Resend your offer on the weekend.
Most people are slammed during the week. Bottom line. Between work, being a parent and a part time circus clown your customer may just not see your offer because of all the white noise. Try catching them on the weekend when they are dreaming of a better life. Make sure you market your product in such a way that it corresponds with their dream.
3. Tell them that your offer is ending soon.
People hate missing out. It’s called F.O.M.O. Fear of missing out. It’s one of the top reasons why people ever buy anything. It’s a strong motivator.
4. Use different words/copy and images when you deliver your offer.
Everyone has a different obstacle in their head when it comes to buying. Everyone learns differently. Switch up your offer to address the different senses and desires that the customer uses to make buying decisions. Use video. Use pictures. Use info graphics. Use words they would use. Help them see that you are going to provide them with the better version of themselves. That’s what they want more-so than your product.
You have to remind people to buy in a distracted world. Also, if you are emailing your list remember that an average open rate is 20%. 20%! That’s per email. So do the math. It’s going to take multiple email offers to do the trick.
Still trying to build your email list?
Make sure you have an opt-in funnel in place THAT WORKS. This requires a killer landing page. I use Click Funnels to build all my funnels for list building. If you start a free trial using my affiliate link here, at no extra cost to you, I get paid a commission. BUT, I will be sending you free bonuses just for signing up with me. You don’t get any free bonuses if you sign up like the normal old customer.
You can learn more about my bonuses and get a quick training on how to build your email list with landing pages that rock at this post here.