There is a unique thing to be grasped when it comes to marketing. Emotions. Specifically, igniting the emotions of a prospect by agitating the pain that they have. This pain, of course, is the symptom of a problem, obstacle or impasse that they face.
Your job as a marketer, salesman, or business owner is to provide a world class solution to that problem.

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However, you’ve got to do some convincing.
And while I won’t get into all things direct response marketing has to say right now, it’s important to talk about one fundamental.
Strike While The Iron Is Hot.
People are way to distracted in today’s digital world. Emotions ebb and flow as rapidly as I open new Google Chrome web browser windows.
You MUST sell NOW. You MUST remove obstacles in their mind NOW. You MUST make the offer now.
If you wait…you lose. Sure, you’ll pick up a few one off sales. Sure, it will feel like there just isn’t any momentum.
But, when you don’t feel momentum you tend to move on to another thing. While all along you could’ve actually had something, you were just waiting too long to make the offer.
So I beg you dear marketer, act now. Strike before the vein of gold recedes into the mountain so deep that no pick or axe will be able to rediscover the treasure.
Unforgettable Email Marketing
If you haven’t discovered this offer, nows your chance to pounce. This guy is my all time hero when it comes to copywriting and email. Andre Chaperon is the guru’s guru in the email marketing ecosystem. Click below to learn more about the free version of his course, Autoresponder Madness…