How To Know Where To Advertise
Are you using paid advertising yet in your business?
If not, it’s ok. Just know that if you ever want to scale your revenue you’ll need to.
And when you do, make sure you put your racehorse on the correct racetrack…
…I see so many agency owners (ironically) and consultants jumping HEADLONG into the popular platforms without pausing long enough to question the relevance of the ad platform.
Then they end up throwing money into the Facebook fireplace, the Youtube inferno or the Linkedin abyss.
*Before I go much deeper here: it’s important to note that until further notice, Facebook advertising is easily the most economical platform with the highest amount of reach potential. However, that doesn’t mean it is always the best choice for your particular situation.*
So many expert based businesses are getting razzle dazzled by Facebook, Youtube and Linkedin hype.
Which is fine IF you have your customer avatar dialed in, your sales funnel optimized and tested and an offer that is economically sound enough to fund your business.
(if you don’t have all of those three things nailed down, let’s chat about how my in-person workshop could help you. click here to book a call with me.)
Silos of Influence: How To Know Where To Advertise
Before spending money on any particular ad platform, identify what I call the Silos of Influence for your industry. These silos will inform the type of targeting you need to reach your prospects.
I call them Silos based on the silos you see on big farms that contain very specific types of grain or feed…to keep things segmented and qualified.
There is a lot of freedom unlocked once you know which Silo holds the most unlocked opportunity for your offer.
Once you know what kind of targeting is necessary, you can pick your platform to advertise on based on the platform capabilities.
Then you take the market by storm because you’ll have control over predictable lead/customer acquisition.
It’s like a sniper who finally has his target in the crosshairs.
Here’s a quick list of the Silos you need to identify for targeting. Make your own list of industry specific examples:
– National Associations your prospect/customer might be part of
– National Accreditations (real estate license, teaching certificate, securities trading license, etc)
– Software they use every day (i.e. Infusionsoft, Clickfunnels, Industry standard CRM’s, etc)
– Fields of Study (dermatology, medical school or vocation type school)
– Job Title (this is different from Field of Study as it can change more frequently)
– National Conferences or Trade Shows
– Public Figures they follow
– Consumer Behavior (what they buy frequently vs. what they splurge on)
These aren’t ALL the targeting silos you could use, but they get you at least 80% – 90% closer to the pin.
One or two of the above Silos will be the vein of gold where you will dig for wealth…
…and that’s how your sales funnel will never go hungry.
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Sign up for my in-person Workshop!
I call it the Money Line Workshop. The core thought during the whole event is to get you beyond the line you haven’t been able to cross in your personal income.
On the other side of that line lay your dreams of space and time freedom.
More money doesn’t equal happiness, but it pays for a lot less stress.
We only permit 10 business owners in the room here at my beautiful Birmingham, AL HQ.
We spend a day together diving deep on how to turn your current business or start up into a 7-figure predictable treasure box of success.
Go here and book a call with me so we can see if it’s a good fit.
If you want to grow your agency/consultancy and learn:
💥How To Build A Business That Works For You and Acts As A True Asset That Builds Cashflow, Wealth and Delivers and Excellent Product To The Marketplace
💥How To Create A Magnetic Client Attraction Machine That Grows Your Database and Customer List On Demand
💥How To Get Results For Your Clients and Turn Those Results Into “Self-Evident” Case Studies That Will Double Your Closing Rate
💥How To Build An Offer That Separates You From Your Competition, Reduces Your Workload and Gives You The Advantage of Pre-Eminence
💥How To Unlock The Power of Hiring Great People and Deploying Simple Automated Systems To Do The Work For You
💥Guidance From TWO 7 -Figure Business Owner Mentors For A Full Year To Answer Questions and Provide Clarity In Your Decisions
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